
Search Results for: school exclusion – Page 2

National Curriculum at secondary school

This page provides information on the subjects that schools in England must teach in Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 and offers advice on what to do if you want to withdraw your child from certain subjects or examinations.

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School meals

This page provides advice on what the expected standards are in relation to food provided in schools in England, outlines the role of the Governing Body, and stipulates the legal requirements contained in legislation. 

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Complaints to schools

This page provides information on the duties of schools and Local Authorities to deal with complaints against a school or teacher and how the complaint can be escalated to higher authorities.

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Managed moves

This page explains the circumstances in which a school can agree with a pupil and their parents/carers for the pupil to move schools or change their educational programme. It explains what this will involve and what might be included in a managed move agreement.

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It is an important right that every child has access to a suitable education but unfortunately, they don’t always receive the support that they need.

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Independent schools

Independent schools are schools that are not funded or controlled by central government and local authority; instead they are funded by way of tuition fees,

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