

This page explains the role of a child advocate, who can represent the wishes and feelings of children in local authority care. It explains who is entitled to an advocate and the expected standards of an advocate.

What is a Child Advocate?

A child advocate can offer advice and support to a child or young person. The main purpose of a child advocate is to enable children to express their wishes and feelings. The aim of child advocacy is to encourage empowerment of children and uphold their human rights.

A child advocate cannot represent the child in court proceedings although they may be called upon to give evidence at certain stages.

Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child states that "Every child has the right to say what they think in all matters affecting them and to have their views taken seriously"

What does an Advocate do?

  • Make sure a child or young person’s wishes and feelings are known.
  • Attend decision making meetings with the Local Authority or school on behalf of a child or young person.
  • Uphold a child or young person’s legal rights and ensure they are fairly treated.
  • Provide impartial information to the child or young person.
  • Prepare meetings with social workers for the child or young person.
  • Assist the child or young person in making a complaint in a constructive and effective manner.
  • Negotiate with social workers and other relevant people
  • Ask questions to relevant people and speak on the child or young person’s behalf

Who does the Advocate act for?

An advocate working with a child or a young person must act in their interests and be independent of any other associations. For example, meetings between the advocate and child or young person must be held in a location where they feel comfortable and are able to express their views freely. Also if the advocate is employed by the Local Authority or a school, they must only concern themselves with the view of the child or young person.

Advocates should ensure that children or young people understand clearly what has happened to them and must not ask any leading questions.

What should you expect from your advocate?

To control the quality of children’s advocacy services, the Department for Education released National Standards for the Provision of Children’s Advocacy Services. These advocacy standards were created to help agencies and councils to support looked after children and young people. The standards below set out a minimum level of what is to be expected from professional advocacy services:

  • Standard 1: Advocacy is led by the views, wishes and feelings of children and young people.
  • Standard 2: Children and young people are active partners in the design, delivery and evaluation of advocacy services.
  • Standard 3: Children and young people who may be unable to give instructions on a specific issue have their rights articulated and championed through non-instructed advocacy.
  • Standard 4: Advocates ensure children and young people’s views, wishes and feelings are known, understood and considered in decisions. They champion and protect the rights of children and young people.
  • Standard 5: Advocates have the values, knowledge, skills, experience and training to meet these standards. Their conditions of employment, including supervision and continuing professional development, support high quality professional practice.
  • Standard 6: Advocacy services are committed to equality of opportunity and inclusion and advocates are recruited from a wide range of backgrounds. 
  • Standard 7: Advocacy services are independent and accessible. They operate to the highest level of confidentiality and ethical practice.
  • Standard 8: Advocacy services have an easy-to-use complaints procedure which ensures children and young people are listened to, their concerns are taken seriously and they understand the outcome. Advocacy services are transparent and open when things go wrong.
  • Standard 9: Advocacy services have effective safeguarding and whistleblowing arrangements.
  • Standard 10: Advocacy services are well-managed and effective. They have sufficient resources to meet the needs of children and young people and are used effectively.

Is my child entitled to an advocate?

The Children Act 1989 gives the right to looked after children to make representations and complaints to the Local Authority regarding their care arrangements. ‘Looked after children’ means those who are in care by agreement of a parent or under a court order.

This is further reinforced in the Adoption and Children Act 2002 which places a duty on Local Authorities to assist looked after children who want to make a complaint. This duty is interpreted in the Advocacy Services and Representations Procedure (Children) (Amendment) Regulations 2004 to mean that the Local Authority must provide advocacy services to looked after children who wish to make a complaint about their care.

Government Guidance states that consideration should be given to securing an advocate for any looked after child who has difficulty expressing their views.

The IRO Handbook places a duty on an IRO to make a child aware of their right to advocacy; it also states that advocacy is an option available to looked after children whenever they want to have such support and not just when they wish to make a complaint.

Other groups of children and young people may be legally entitled to an advocate to help express their views in certain circumstances. 

Can an advocate attend a Child Protection Conference?

There is no legal right to have an advocate attend a Child Protection Conference. However, child advocates are included as one of the accepted professionals to attend a Child Protection Conference. This is reinforced in the Government guidance Working Together to Safeguard Children

If the Local Authority refused to allow your Advocate to attend the meeting, you should raise these concerns with your Local Safeguarding Children Board or the Local Government Ombudsman.

Can an advocate share information without permission?

Advocates should keep all details of conversations between themselves and the child or young person private and confidential. If any information is recorded, the child or young person should be made aware of any recording device and how their personal information is going to be used. If children do not want their parents to know certain details about them, then these wishes should be upheld by the advocate.

The only exception to sharing information is when there is a serious risk of harm to the child’s safety. When there are genuine safeguarding concerns for a child, the advocate should look to disclose information to local authorities, the police or the NSPCC.

How can I get an advocate?

There are many organisations offering advocacy to children and young people who are in care, leaving care or need the support of Children’s Services. Coram Voice provides a service called Always Heard (freephone 0808 800 5792 and online) which supports children and young people with expert independent advice and support to access their local advocacy support. The Always Heard service guarantee that children and young people who are in care, leaving care or needing to be in care who contact them will receive the support of an advocate from their local service or via an Always Heard advocate. 

This information is correct at the time of writing, 20th February 2025. The law in this area is subject to change.

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This information is correct at the time of writing, 20th February 2025. The law in this area is subject to change.

Coram Children’s Legal Centre cannot be held responsible if changes to the law outdate this publication. Individuals may print or photocopy information in CCLC publications for their personal use.

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